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2. ?????
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Morrigan: Him? Him who? Is this supposed to mean something to me?
Alistair: You know exactly who I'm talking about. Mister Let's-Make-Kissy-Faces over there.
Morrigan: My, my. You are jealous, aren't you? Did I take your favorite Grey Warden away from you?
Alistair: What? I'm not jealous! I'm horrified.
Morrigan: Those blushing cheeks of yours tell a different tale
Alistair: These blushing cheeks are terrified that you'll suck all the blood out of them once you're done with him.
Morrigan: If I feel the need to suck on anything of yours, Alistair, you'll be the first to know.
Alistair: That... was so not what I meant.
Morrigan: Perhaps we should go and tell him together of your touching concerns? Perhaps he'll pay more attention to you if you ask nicely.
Alistair: Uh-huh. I think we're done here.
Morrigan: Done before you started, in fact.
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Авторы там никогда не подрабатывали?
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А скрины Д2 как бальзам на душу.
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Геймер highway_star 5